Monday, February 9, 2015

DSpace on gmail (Resolved)

DSpace on Gmail worked now with following settings. Earlier I had opened up mail.server.port=465 and it was throwing an error as


For setting up dspace with gmail click below link and disable security settings.It will work.

then also hash following line in dspace.cfg as setup below


restart the tomcat and it works and sends email from gmail.

##### Email settings ######

# SMTP mail server
mail.server =

# SMTP mail server authentication username and password (if required)
mail.server.password = password

# SMTP mail server alternate port (defaults to 25)
#mail.server.port = 465

# From address for mail
mail.from.address =

# Name of a pre-configured Session object to be fetched from a directory.
# This overrides the Session settings above.  If none can be found, then DSpace
# will use the above settings to create a Session. = Session

# Currently limited to one recipient!
feedback.recipient =

# General site administration (Webmaster) e-mail
mail.admin =

# Recipient for server errors and alerts
alert.recipient =

# Recipient for new user registration emails
registration.notify =

# Set the default mail character set. This may be overridden by providing a line
# inside the email template "charset: ", otherwise this default is used.
mail.charset = UTF-8

# A comma-separated list of hostnames that are allowed to refer browsers to email forms.
# Default behaviour is to accept referrals only from dspace.hostname
mail.allowed.referrers = localhost

# Pass extra settings to the Java mail library. Comma-separated, equals sign between
# the key and the value. For example:
mail.extraproperties = mail.smtp.socketFactory.port=465, \
             , \

# An option is added to disable the mailserver. By default, this property is set to false
# By setting mail.server.disabled = true, DSpace will not send out emails.
# It will instead log the subject of the email which should have been sent
# This is especially useful for development and test environments where production data is used when testing functionality.
#mail.server.disabled = false